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Detox Diets: Fad or Fab

Updated: Jan 21, 2019

Lemon Detox, Detox diet, cleanse your body, lose weight, detox, detox, DETOX…

Have you been tempted by the detox diets that claim to help you lose weight, look fab, cleanse your body and better your health? But do they work and guarantee results? Or will they simply waste your time and burn a hole in your wallet?

We have well and truly entered detox season! Although this is a scary time. Do not fear I am here to tell you what I truly think about detox diets.


What is a detox diet?

Detoxification (or Detox) diets are more popular than ever with their many claims to improve health and aid in weight loss.

They claim to do this by cleaning your blood and eliminating harmful toxins from your body.

Generally, “detox” diets are short-term diets lasting for generally a few days to weeks. Detox diets usually have a period of fasting and followed by a very strict diet of fruit, vegetables, fruit juices and water. Most detox diets involve at least one of the following:

  • Fasting for 1-3 days (or possibly longer)

  • Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, water and tea

  • Drinking only specific liquids such as salted water or lemon juice

  • Eliminating foods high in contaminants and allergens

  • Taking supplements or herbs

  • Using laxatives and enemas

  • Completely eliminating alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and refined sugar

They might also claim to be healthy, aid in weight loss and help with various medical conditions.


Do detox diets really work?

There is little to no evidence that detox diets actually remove “toxins” from the body. Better yet there is no evidence that to support that our bodies are loaded with toxins and need to be cleansed.

In fact, the human body is very good at getting rid of “toxins” and cleansing itself. In fact it is the job of our liver to metabolise nutrients and cleans our blood from harmful “toxins”. So essentially, we are detoxing every second of every day as our liver makes these toxic substances harmless. Another key organ is our kidneys. Our kidneys are able to excrete unwanted chemicals/toxins/waste from our body in our urine (that's right our pee). The human body is pretty amazing and out liver and kidney make a pretty awesome team!

Some people might say they feel better and healthier on a detox diet. However, this may be due to the fact they are eating less junk food/alcohol and now eating more fruit/vegetables/water then they were before.

On the other hand, others might feel worse when following a detox diet because of the fasting period and not having enough energy or carbohydrates to fuel their body or they just genuinely feel hungry.


Weight loss and the detox diet

One of the biggest claims detox diets promote is weight loss.

It’s true, when you follow a strict detox diet you are going to lose weight because you will be in an energy deficit (eating less calories) because you are replacing meals with juices and water. However, this weight loss is mostly likely to be due to fluid loss rather than fat.

However, this weight is usually regained once the “detox” is over and you start to eat normally again. This type of dieting isn’t likely to cause any long-term weight loss and is a diet that should not be followed long term. If followed at all!! Not to mention some of these “detox” programs, cleanses and supplements are expensive and most likely burn a hole in your wallet.


Some tips from me to help you steer clear of fad diet

If you do want to look after your body here are a few tips that I believe can set you on the right path to healthy eating and proving the body with what it truly needs.


Your body does this for you. It is not necessary! There's not enough evidence to support it's use and the benefits are outweighed by the negatives. Trust me, your wallet will thank you!

2. Eat plenty of fruits vegetables and whole foods

It's that simple. Give the body what it really needs. Let it thrive off all the vitamins and minerals natural fruits and vegetables hold. Limit the amount of processed and packaged foods and make 90% of your diet come from whole foods:

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Whole grains (i.e. whole grain/multigrain breads and cereals)

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Lean meats (i.e. chicken, fish and some red meat)

  • Healthy fats (i.e. olive oil, nuts/seeds and fish)

Not only are these foods food four you but they also contain fibre. Important for maintaining regular bowel motions, keeping you fuller for longer and there's evidence to support its use in maintaining body weight and aiding in weight loss.

3. Drink plenty of water

Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.

If you still want the lemon and fruity flavour you can always try infusing your favourite fruits in water and enjoy many different flavours.

4. Limit alcohol and processed foods

Support your organs that cleans and detox your body. Limit alcohol and processed foods, your body will thank you for it.

5. Exercise regularly

If weight loss is your goal (or you generally want to improve your health) get moving! It doesn't have to be anything crazy or difficult. Just 30 minutes a day has numerous benefits!

6. Remember to treat yourself... YOU DESERVE IT!

All this diet talk is exhausting. Remember you're only human and you are allowed to enjoy yourself!


In summary

There are so many detox products and cleanses out there and celebrities diets popping up on social media everywhere but please don’t be fooled by the claims they shove in your face! The detox diet business is a lucrative one, but is it really worth your $$$ or your time!

Instead look after your body and let it do its thing! If you want to look after your self or if weight loss is your goal speak to an Accredited Practicing Dietitian, they can help you through your weight loss journey, provide the support you need and most importantly guide your through all the nutrition and dietitian BS that is out there.

Enjoy xx

For more information about Detox dieting visit:

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